

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常...

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常感恩您為世界創造的智慧結晶!更感恩您帶給Money&You全球畢業家人的寶貴資產!我是林偉賢,我以身為M&Y畢業家人為榮!\ \ https://www.facebook.com/willsonlin/posts/10155435594284326\ \ Today

is Bucky Fuller's birthday! Though he left this world on July 1st, 1983, he forever lives in the hearts of so many. His teachings, his discoveries / distinctions and sharing of generalized principles have been the guiding force for our teachings / organization. \ In many ways, he changed the course of humanity by teaching us the distinction that most of humanity is taught to live in scarcity through antiquated school systems and erroneous thinking. Once we see this, we can choose to live from Sufficiency which leads to Abundance / Prosperity for All. Happy birthday, Bucky! You forever live in our hearts ?\ \ Lots of resources about his work at: http://www.MoneyandYou.com/buckminster-fuller\ \ Our Global Business School Retreat Nov 11 - 18 will have many of his teachings in action! http://www.GlobalBusinessSchoolRetreat.com\ \ Check out his Institute where you can find his books, products and more information about his work: http://www.BFI.org\ \ Randolph Craft also has an amazing video library of Bucky's teaching at our Business School event, The Future of Business, back in 1981!\ \ #moneyandyou #dccordova #globalbusinessschoolretreat #excellerated #buckyfuller #buckminsterfuller #wealth #accesstocash\

\ #殖利率來囉\ \ #殖利率 ...

\ #殖利率來囉\ \ #殖利率 #Chapter1 #債券\ 要怎麼收穫先怎麼栽\ 內文其實有透露幾個重點\ 1 富蘭克林新興固配8-9%,其實是合理的,因為他買了很多迦納的部位,因此這個數字不挖本相對合理。\ 2 其餘的純高收益或是平衡型,美元要配9%,我真的不知道如何達成的,ㄎㄎ。\ \

#分享超過50次解鎖\ #Chapter2 #股票殖利率\ 之後還會有貨幣加碼與賣出買權\ 請大家努力闖關\


信傳媒現場直播Live》公民發聲X內幕直說\ 到底「是誰掏空了台灣?」年輕人起薪只有22K是因為政府財團共謀嗎?\ 《集團化公司治理與財經犯罪預防》作者,前台大教授陳志龍直播詳述對台灣經濟的憂心。\ 邀請你一起來探討台灣的公私領域經濟犯罪到底有多嚴重?政府該如何改革?人民又該如何自救呢?\ \ #經濟

犯罪 #陳志龍 #金管會\ \ ?破解官商勾結:\ 誰掏空台灣?前台大教授陳志龍新書內文摘錄\ https://www.cmmedia.com.tw/home/articles/3758\ \ ? 幫部會首長打分數吧? !https://goo.gl/K0OHG3

\ 約有150萬戶的小散戶與菜籃族...

\ 約有150萬戶的小散戶與菜籃族,恐將加稅補貼大股東降稅的缺口....?\ \ #股利 #課稅 資料來源:蘋果日報\

\ 【漢微科爆內線交易 不法獲利 ...

\ 【漢微科爆內線交易 不法獲利 2100 多萬元】\ \ 檢調調查,該財務公司邱姓顧問在利多消息發布前,透過親友大量購買漢微科股票。\ #漢微科 #ASML #內線交易 #股市\

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@suppermomentsunny of @tieshulan . . . . . #livemu

sic #stagephotography #rocknroll #concertphoto #newmusic #livephotography #musiclife #rockphotography #concertphotography #audioloveofficial #musicphotography #musicphoto #livemusicphotography #concertjunkie #concertphotographer #bandphotographer #musicphotographer #concertphotos #landscapelovers #unitedstatesofamerica #igersusa #loves_united_states #americandream #canonphotos #canoneos #canonrebel #canonphotographer #focalmarked #鐵樹蘭 #iso

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欸這不是廣告記得按愛心 #SA#gambling#博弈

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- 這是什麼偶像劇的劇情 完全是戀愛的氛圍啊啊啊    一起撐傘吧☔️☔️☔

️ @spexial_wes    #life #im短影 #im短影貝果 #宏正 #要一起撐傘嗎 #love #rain #umbrella #情侶裝 #白色 #白色cp#戀愛 #邂逅 #撐傘#宏正wes

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《2019厭民曆:腸腸酒酒,豬事不宜》上線啦! 2018年很不順的話,2019年也不會比較好ㄡ 買本厭

民曆紀錄厭世的每一天ㄅ #厭世動物園 #厭世 #行事曆 #calendar #豬 #嘖嘖 #嘖嘖募資

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/#新聞快訊 #飲食活動/  9/23、9/24 這兩個日子請大家務必記下來~讓所有美食狂好者

都為之瘋狂的大型飲食園遊會來了!  由一群餐飲圈人士所發起的 Cookmania @cookmaniacommunity ,將要在華山文創園區舉辦大型年度美食活動 – A BETTER MEAL!一共為期兩天的豐富活動,128款美食美酒與名廚職人論壇,就只缺熱愛美食的你~一起來共襄盛舉。  史上最強的餐飲卡司陣容,全台絕無僅有的一場超大型飲食派對,詳細的活動內容就請大家參考下列活動購票連結。  -   【2018 COOKMANIA – A Better Meal】 活動日期:2018/ 09/ 23(日)- 09/24(一) 活動地點:華山 1914 文化創意產業園區 東 2ABCD 四連棟 活動網頁:https://www.accupass.com/go/cookmania2018  - #taster #gourmet #foodie #foodlover #selftaughtgourmet #taster美食加 #美食家 #Cookmania #A_Better_Meal #都是自己人
