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#遇到三寶!#嚴重車禍! 你有保險嗎?你的保險買對了嗎? 8月1日晚上9點!小萊姆用輕鬆方式youtu

be 直播淺談保險! #三寶 #車禍 #強制險 #意外險

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2018 European Paris Auction!! With my auctioneer pa

rtner in Paris #Europe #ParisAuction #drouot #yukitheemcee #yuki #paris #france #auction #auctioneer #巴黎 #拍賣 #拍賣官 #法國 #進軍歐洲 #拍賣會

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無糖王老吉好好喝~ #王老吉

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東西很好吃,但服務態度就... 法式吐司表現的很優秀 #勤美早午餐 #若7食記

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Hosting for the final wrap up party for Infinity Ve

ntures Summit 2018 圓滿完成任務真的很感動 It was the first time to hold this event in Taipei. Super proud of the team ☺️ #ivs #vipevent #welcometotaipei #amazingnight #lotsoflaughs #greatfun #hosting #enjoyeverymoment #raffle #prizes #luckywinner #charities #css #theshiner #donation #loveiskind #ishare #thankyouforhavingme
