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When you traveling a lot and in the end you will f

ind out actually saved a lot coin from around the world in this coin box !! 剛剛打開我放外幣的盒子,發現裡面真的世界各國都有,只差沒非洲而已.. #traveling #world #money #coin #fun #life #lifestyle #like4like #likes #love #beautiful #follow #good #dj #djlife #style #happy #smile

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#hungry and it's the #weekend again!!! But lots of

stuff to work on! #gogogo need to be #productive

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fuckin tired 4hour strived with my guys #sunday#ra


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Gladness family with teacher✒️ #Economists #school

#classmate #night #fun #happy #smile #take #a #picture #liquidity #commodity #money #fiat #money #merriment #of #exchange #unit #acount #gaiety #store #of #value #merriment #pleasure

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-- what are you guys doing #daisy #chip #disney #d

oll #boxes