

『觀察股市新情勢-紡織股』\ \ ...

『觀察股市新情勢-紡織股』\ \ 退場一段時間後\ 迪化街金主要回歸了\ 究竟主力進場後\ 能帶動紡織股成為下一波趨勢嗎?\ \ #財經急診事 帶投資朋友關注時事!\ \ #台股 #紡織股 #迪化街 #理財周刊 #請分享

\ Shout out to @g...

\ Shout out to @gengyou_ 最愛海邊撿漂流木,然後升一大把火在沙灘上,把平常的火都在這邊兒燒掉。\ 燒東西真的是一件很療癒的事情(我沒有縱火前科)\ \ #campfire #driftwood #collector #beach #taiwan #camping #suao

#filmphoto #wildman #outdoor\

\ http://pics.ee/...

\ http://pics.ee/v-1604443\ \ #仨 #myfunnyvalentine #love #sharing 戀愛感\ \ Si-Yu Duan\ 雖然不知道王雅琦對象是誰~ ??????\

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常...

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常感恩您為世界創造的智慧結晶!更感恩您帶給Money&You全球畢業家人的寶貴資產!我是林偉賢,我以身為M&Y畢業家人為榮!\ \ https://www.facebook.com/willsonlin/posts/10155435594284326\ \ Today

is Bucky Fuller's birthday! Though he left this world on July 1st, 1983, he forever lives in the hearts of so many. His teachings, his discoveries / distinctions and sharing of generalized principles have been the guiding force for our teachings / organization. \ In many ways, he changed the course of humanity by teaching us the distinction that most of humanity is taught to live in scarcity through antiquated school systems and erroneous thinking. Once we see this, we can choose to live from Sufficiency which leads to Abundance / Prosperity for All. Happy birthday, Bucky! You forever live in our hearts ?\ \ Lots of resources about his work at: http://www.MoneyandYou.com/buckminster-fuller\ \ Our Global Business School Retreat Nov 11 - 18 will have many of his teachings in action! http://www.GlobalBusinessSchoolRetreat.com\ \ Check out his Institute where you can find his books, products and more information about his work: http://www.BFI.org\ \ Randolph Craft also has an amazing video library of Bucky's teaching at our Business School event, The Future of Business, back in 1981!\ \ #moneyandyou #dccordova #globalbusinessschoolretreat #excellerated #buckyfuller #buckminsterfuller #wealth #accesstocash\

\ (?工具文~收藏文~隆重登場)...

\ (?工具文~收藏文~隆重登場) 你以為買了旅遊不便險,班機延誤一定會賠? 那可不一定 ?❗ 一張圖秒懂? 國內10家產險+5家銀行信用卡贈送的旅遊不便險,讓你知道機位超賣,怎麼理賠!\ \ 用信用卡刷機票前先來看看哪張卡保額高?http://m101.click/17TravelInsur

ancevL\ \ #旅遊不便險\ #理賠要看條件\ #每家不同\ \ --\ Money101.com.tw 幫你比較全台最多的信用卡優惠資訊:\ 精選卡片: http://m101.click/BDFBv2\ 海外2%現金回饋:http://m101.click/overseascashbackvF\ 現金回饋: http://m101.click/CBFBv2\ 旅遊首選: http://m101.click/TRFBv2\ 電影首選: http://m101.click/MVFBv2\ 加油首選: http://m101.click/GSFBv2\ 購物首選: http://m101.click/SHFBv2\

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一張几手作料理 果然是神級的早餐☺️ _ 鮪魚蛋餅 $45 oreo可可軟法 $50 培根捲 $45

. 蛋餅皮煎的焦香焦香, 鮪魚餡沒有過多配料。 是學生時期印象中的滋味, 細緻又綿密的鮪魚,齁甲。 但吃一份完全不夠飽!! . 法國吐司包捲著香煎培根, 淋上煉乳整個超罪惡。 先不管熱量,吃了再說。 可可軟法用量也沒在手軟, 巧克力滿出來這好好好吃。 . 這次太晚去沒吃到炸饅頭 好想吃阿!! 果然是間吃過就上癮的早餐店。 _ - 0422272552 台中市太平區建興北路17巷3號 ⏰ 07:00-14:00(週一休) . #love #taiwan #taichung #taiwanesefood #brunch #vscocam #instafood #breakfast #delicious #dessert #台中好吃 #ifood #igdaily #vsco #vscocam #台中美食 #breadfast #brunch #cheese #popdaily #popyummy #drinks #tea #台中 #一張几 #一張几手作料理廚房 #太平 #太平美食 #太平早餐

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麥片廣告 後面怎麼看都像被霸凌 我先去驗傷 大家法庭見 : @tiyalxx #sun#harves


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* Reality doesn't chang according to your will. . #

bestoftheday #happy #beyourself #me #like #like4like #l4l #fff #fellow #friendship #friends #goodday #havefun #like #love #vouge #vscoua #vsco #kunicam #zara #uniqlo #strong #beindependent #yolo #lifeistooshorttobeunhappy #instagramers #instalike #tainan #taiwancoffee #taiwan #台南咖啡

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開啟過年模式 #狗年 #happychinesenewyear #qb妞 #maltese #福 #春

#招財進寶 #日日有見財 #吉祥如意

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⚡️✨ 現實/夢想/未來 - 螢光刺青好難拍啊 現場實在超級亮✨⚡️ - #螢光刺青要照特殊燈 #螢光

刺青不是夜光的喔 - - 部位:左手臂 - 預約刺青諮詢歡迎私訊!請閱讀以下資訊 ————————————————— 主要流程: 首先要確定我的風格是否是你所喜歡的 1️⃣第一趟預約諮詢/討論/報價 2️⃣諮詢時可以預約下次刺青的時間 3️⃣來現場諮詢前記得先做好功課,清楚自己想要的是什麼才不會海底撈針的不好討論喔 ————————————————— 需年滿20歲(未年滿需父母陪同) 不線上報價不線上報價不線上報價 ⭕️預約制/現場諮詢 歡迎預約諮詢紋身時段 如果符合條件就快私訊貝貝吧! ✅LINE: s8650405(主頁有連結可直接加) ————————————————— Welcome to follow me I will feel very honored ▪️紋身相關問題歡迎私訊我 ————————————————————— #beltattoodesign#tattoo#girl#neck#tattoogirl#tattooer#tattooart#tattooartist#tattoos#girl#lovetattoo#cute#紋身#刺青#小刺青#女刺青師#微刺青#小清新#女紋身師#紋身師貝貝#螢光#螢光刺青#Fluorescent#fluorescenttattoo#dream#dreamtattoo#compass#compasstattoo
