

\ 【紡織產業-產業資訊】\ \ ...

\ 【紡織產業-產業資訊】\ \ 成衣回春 投顧唱旺儒鴻、聚陽、東隆興\ \ https://money.udn.com/money/story/5710/3006093\ \ #聚陽 #永豐金 #儒鴻\


週三晚上如果你們在華山有看到有群紫色大軍?千萬別誤會是某個宗教的集會lolll☺️,其實是GQ&DTP合辦的2018代表色派對,有人知道每年的顏色都是怎麼被選出來的嗎??\ -\ 其實是由panton這公司在每年都會招集一些代表性的設計師們開會依照全世界所發生的事情共同決定代表隔年一個精神與態度顏色,

有看過穿著prada惡魔的人一定知道每種顏色都有個色票號,很多設計師也會依照色票去決定設計風格配色等等,學美術的人應該會曉得我在說什麼,應該也會像我一樣超級著迷這些色票就是看了就興奮的顏料的同好 ???\ -\ -\ 這次很榮幸參加這個潮人盛事,還遇到邰哥?,一日為師終身為父?,連邰哥都把今年這代表色 #ultraviolet 搭配得潮潮??,其實我從來沒嘗試過紫色,衣櫃更沒有這類衣服,但是經過TIM老師一番介紹以後好像也能輕鬆駕馭 ??‍♀️\ -\ 總之對我來說雖然沒這類型或顏色衣服,但是並不排斥嘗試這些東西耶,因為穿衣服千萬別怕自己不適合什麼,因為姐穿的都是一種態度?,所以我們要懂得駕馭品牌不要讓品牌來駕馭你 ?\ 分享今年代表色 #ultraviolet ?給走在最前面的你們 /\ ? Outfit: \ Cap&shirt: backtobritish \ Outer: #balenciaga \ Boots: #aldo \ Fanny pack: #gucci\ \ #ultraviolet #party #trend #trending #weeknight #hangoutwithfriends

\ 一起來了解存股 學學投資吧\ ...

\ 一起來了解存股 學學投資吧\ \ 【#史瑪特過生活】\ \ 自己幫自己加薪!衝!( 螞妃)\ \ #詹慶齡 #盧燕俐 李明川 Lee Ming Chuan 黃沐妍-小豬 \ \ 高清完整直播:\ https://boba.ettoday.net/videonews/62280\


送姐妹離開弘大後,我來明洞換錢了\ 畢竟一人用餐的餐費比較貴啊?\ ?三間換錢所今日最新匯率比較\ ✔️交通資訊:https://goo.gl/71i7aL\ \ #首爾自由行 #首爾換錢 #明洞換錢所 #一品香 #大使館換錢所 #大信換錢所 #美金匯率

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常...

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常感恩您為世界創造的智慧結晶!更感恩您帶給Money&You全球畢業家人的寶貴資產!我是林偉賢,我以身為M&Y畢業家人為榮!\ \ https://www.facebook.com/willsonlin/posts/10155435594284326\ \ Today

is Bucky Fuller's birthday! Though he left this world on July 1st, 1983, he forever lives in the hearts of so many. His teachings, his discoveries / distinctions and sharing of generalized principles have been the guiding force for our teachings / organization. \ In many ways, he changed the course of humanity by teaching us the distinction that most of humanity is taught to live in scarcity through antiquated school systems and erroneous thinking. Once we see this, we can choose to live from Sufficiency which leads to Abundance / Prosperity for All. Happy birthday, Bucky! You forever live in our hearts ?\ \ Lots of resources about his work at: http://www.MoneyandYou.com/buckminster-fuller\ \ Our Global Business School Retreat Nov 11 - 18 will have many of his teachings in action! http://www.GlobalBusinessSchoolRetreat.com\ \ Check out his Institute where you can find his books, products and more information about his work: http://www.BFI.org\ \ Randolph Craft also has an amazing video library of Bucky's teaching at our Business School event, The Future of Business, back in 1981!\ \ #moneyandyou #dccordova #globalbusinessschoolretreat #excellerated #buckyfuller #buckminsterfuller #wealth #accesstocash\

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Who is fast? #lego #legojourney #legolife #dc #marv

el #superman #flash #quicksilver #rocket #firecrackers #fast #who #guess #run

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- 當你不發聲,你就是在鞏固、順從主流的意見 ⠀ #consolidate #submissive #


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- 前年的今天 我還在跳熱舞社成發欸嗚嗚嗚 好懷念噢 - 結果今天好好一個美麗週末我在公司活動加班。

早上還傾盆大雨騎車超狼狽。 - By the way 看得出來我是哪一隻嗎 . . . . . . . #throwback #2017 #520#SDC #kmu #freestyle #jazzdance #streetjazz #performance

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領一下春節期間的贖罪券 #anytimefitness #fitness #workout #che

stday #kaohisung #taiwan #anytime
