


港交所真係可以睇好?聽下張兆聰點講~\ 去片:http://bit.ly/2fdE0Ub\ 【「股王」歸位 恒指重上二萬八 近30隻內房股創一年高】\ http://bit.ly/2y8G5Vc\ ==========================================\ #港交所 #港股

#股市 #炒鬼注意 #金魚缸 #炒股 #明報\ 緊貼 #選股王,快LIKE 明報財經 mpfinance

\ 【紡織產業-布可思議】\ \ ...

\ 【紡織產業-布可思議】\ \ 【牛仔代工霸主】別再傻買! 大老闆傳授挑褲撇步\ \ https://goo.gl/yjJx2Y\ \ #如興 #牛仔褲 #陳仕修\

\ 這樣以後怎麼看台指期技術線圖....

\ 這樣以後怎麼看台指期技術線圖...都黏在一起\ #台指期 #閃崩\

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常...

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常感恩您為世界創造的智慧結晶!更感恩您帶給Money&You全球畢業家人的寶貴資產!我是林偉賢,我以身為M&Y畢業家人為榮!\ \ https://www.facebook.com/willsonlin/posts/10155435594284326\ \ Today

is Bucky Fuller's birthday! Though he left this world on July 1st, 1983, he forever lives in the hearts of so many. His teachings, his discoveries / distinctions and sharing of generalized principles have been the guiding force for our teachings / organization. \ In many ways, he changed the course of humanity by teaching us the distinction that most of humanity is taught to live in scarcity through antiquated school systems and erroneous thinking. Once we see this, we can choose to live from Sufficiency which leads to Abundance / Prosperity for All. Happy birthday, Bucky! You forever live in our hearts ?\ \ Lots of resources about his work at: http://www.MoneyandYou.com/buckminster-fuller\ \ Our Global Business School Retreat Nov 11 - 18 will have many of his teachings in action! http://www.GlobalBusinessSchoolRetreat.com\ \ Check out his Institute where you can find his books, products and more information about his work: http://www.BFI.org\ \ Randolph Craft also has an amazing video library of Bucky's teaching at our Business School event, The Future of Business, back in 1981!\ \ #moneyandyou #dccordova #globalbusinessschoolretreat #excellerated #buckyfuller #buckminsterfuller #wealth #accesstocash\

\ 【now.com財經】#焦點股...

\ 【now.com財經】#焦點股\ #友邦(1299,即時報價:http://bit.ly/1942IrE)續後造好,午後破位升逾半成。\ ===============================\ - 財經、地產同步睇:now財經 -\ iOS:http://bit.ly/11bgY

gy\ Android:http://bit.ly/ZLf9WC\ ===============================\

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If I #paid any #attention to all the #dumb #shit pe

ople say I would be just as #miserable and #broke as them # I hope #myhustle offends the # out of them #dumbshit#hustleharder#torment#rebels#meetings#hidden#agenda#schedule#outline#timetable#setting#timewasted#distressed#soberlife#nationaltaichungtheater#바빠#꺼져#정말#짜증 氣歪 #勾久 你TM比安徒生還會講故事別說惹姐不想聽 臉上正寫著呢!悲慘的人 # 難道姐前世殺人放火姦淫搶掠了嗎?

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與珈瑄的午餐約會 說了好久終於來妳公司找妳了,商辦初體驗 #sis #lunch #yayoi #彌生

軒 #2017february #instadaily #instafood #foodporn

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畫一枝我最愛的棉花 #cotton#棉花#電腦繪圖#コットン#applepencil #ipadpr


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非常榮幸為#lvmh 集團旗下最頂級也是義大利國寶級的品牌LOROPIANA 走秀並且示範新品的穿搭

#loropiana #vip #event #modeling #showing #2016 #autumn #winter #collection #fashion #appreciate #classic #1924

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林北來被電了.. #台酒生技 #超跑能量飲 #無咖啡因 #CollegeHigh
