

\ 有多少身體的傷痛,病痛,疼痛,...

\ 有多少身體的傷痛,病痛,疼痛,是我們的生活習慣所養出來的?\ \ 『有時候,最簡單的 “矯正動作”,就是改變你的生活習慣』\ \ All the intervention in the world won't stick if someone goes back to poor habits\

.\ Lifestyle = habits .... habits = behavior\ .\ Behavior makes long term changes movement to patterns NOT your programming\ .\ Structure doesn't always dictate function, sometimes it's the outer way around\ .\ Thanks @norcalfunctionalfitness for the picture and @crazy_pants7 for being open to everyone seeing me work on you at the summit\ .\ #stopchasingpain #movement #move #habits #correctiveexercise #functionalmovement #fms #sfma .\ Come learn with us at our workshops and online memberships to help change habits stopchasingpain.com\

\ 春という季節の生き方\ Ou...

\ 春という季節の生き方\ Outdoor \ \ 2017 Spring\ QUEEN FASHION SHOP collections\ 正式上線\ \ \ #2017SS\ #queenshop\ #collections\ #outdoor\

\ Broadway Style之...

\ Broadway Style之waitress兼帽子天后鳳飛飛,感謝您?\ #紅鼻子馬戲團 #三商美邦 #Broadway #NewYorkNewYork\

\ #最新【金管會主委丁克華請辭】...

\ #最新【金管會主委丁克華請辭】\ \ 林全徵詢7人求來的金管會主委丁克華今天向行政院長林全請辭,林全已准辭,金管會政務副主委桂先農也隨同丁克華請辭,主委職務將由金管會副主委黃天牧代理。丁克華的聲明指出,外界對他及金管會之質疑不斷,他只有辭職自清,期望藉此停止對金管會的傷害。\ \ 看更多>>

徐國勇:林全金融人事權未旁落,將儘速尋覓金管會正副主委 http://bit.ly/2cMDR2z\ \ #金管會 #丁克華 #黃天牧 #樂陞 #兆豐金 #林全\

\ 又過了一年\ #miss #...

\ 又過了一年\ #miss #global #city\

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沒想到苗栗還有這麼美的地方 一個舊車站也能變成老街變成觀光地 等下次天氣好會想再來的地方 #勝興車站#

龍騰斷橋#勝興老街#許博玩苗栗 #selife#outfit#likes#vsco#vscocam#camera#travel#traveling#trip#view#perspective#scenery#rainy#bridge#station#miaoli#family

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不知道跟多少人的偶像拍到照了 SpeXial捏!!!! 一次三個姐怎麼受得了 哈哈哈 #Debrand

#SpeXial #明杰 #子閎 #宏正 #spexial明杰 #spexial子閎 #spexial宏正 #時尚玩家ice

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Oh my god this is freakin good 超級無敵爆炸好吃~我的天 #emc #d

owntownla #food #traveling #dinner

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好吧,我承認我是需要被保護 #gentleman #safe #boys #bodyguard #st

range #protact #suit #smile #hello #black #rayban sunny #sunglasses #mensfashion #lucky #need #anıtkabir #mausoleum #mustafa #kemal #atatürk #leader #turkish #war #independence #founder #first #president #republic #turkey

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看不見 就不會想太多 #shorthair #green #jeans #selfie #tr35 #

decision #unfollow #memorries #clear #thinkingof #follow #girl #instagramer #tw #blogger #dinnertime #rstar #taichung
