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Walked back home from a nearby restaurant. The pict

ure shows a boysband-style walk. 剛走3分鐘的路從社區的義大利餐廳回家,菜色出乎預料地好。一直覺得某人這樣走路的港覺好「男孩團體」。 #walk #switzerland #switzerland #switzerlandpictures #瑞士 #散步 #蘇黎世 #zurich #zurigo #zürich #spazieren #promenade #男孩團體 #boysband #züri

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走路拜訪蘇黎世州最美麗的村莊「雷根斯伯格」,來回一共走了兩個多小時。腿好痠。Visited the m

ost beautiful village in Zürich-Regensberg. It was a long walk and I need a good massage tonight. #regensberg #themostbeautifulvillage #switzerland #switzerland #switzerlandpictures #visitzurich #suisse #suisselife #suisse #蘇黎世 #瑞士 #zürich #unterland #zurigo #schloss #castle #城堡

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Had lunch in a restaurant with friends in Bachs. 在鄉

間的餐廳用餐。天氣不冷不熱,曬太陽好舒服。#zurich_switzerland #蘇黎世 #Zürich #zurich #bachs #unterland #瑞士 #歐洲 #switzerland #switzerland #switzerlandpictures #schweiz #suisselife

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Snow in April.四月雪,差一個多月竇娥就要出來申冤了。❄️ #瑞士 #svizzera #

suisse #suisse #switzerland #switzerland #蘇黎世 #zurigo #zürich #zurich_switzerland #iloveswitzerland #iloveswitzerland #雪 #下雪 #白雪 #snowinspring #四月雪 #zürcherunterland

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Joined a BBQ party at the Enge sailing club next to

Saffa island. 跟著先生參加蘇黎世湖畔帆船俱樂部的烤肉趴。 ⛵️#picnic #春 #spring #烤肉 #switzerland #switzerland #switzerlandpictures #zurich #zurichsee #zürich #zürichsee #zurigo #suisse #suisse #suisselife #beautifulswitzerland #瑞士 #蘇黎世 #蘇黎世湖 #wollishofen #segelclub #segelboote #sailing #sailing⛵️ #sailingboat #saffainsel #svizzera #島 #lakezurich
