


比特幣價格坐過山車,一個月前先跌到3000美元不到,依家就向6000美元進發。\ 比特幣愈來愈多人用,有國家甚至接受以比特幣購買公民身分...你估要畀幾多個比特幣?\ \ <相關新聞>\ 【愈「玩」愈大...搞移民?】50個Bitcoin可做瓦努阿圖人\ https://goo.gl/mJmE4S\

\ 【財經TOP SEARCH】趕絕虛擬貨幣同錢作對?\ https://goo.gl/Fy2dcp\ \ #阿努阿圖 #你想住的地方\ #阿努阿圖人好快樂 #好似係\ #bitcoin #比特幣 #又破頂\ #Now財經台 #視像財經\ \ ===============================\ - 財經、地產同步睇:now財經 -\ iOS:http://bit.ly/11bgYgy\ Android:http://bit.ly/ZLf9WC\ ===============================

\ 為人這麼忠義的老闆真的要珍惜啊...

\ 為人這麼忠義的老闆真的要珍惜啊!\ #童子賢 #和碩 #企業分享果實是責任\

\ 再來看我❤\ \ ?未來大人...

\ 再來看我❤\ \ ?未來大人物第三談?\ 《海洋與海龜的守護者》\ \ 對談主持人:歐馬克- 知名電台主持人\ 未來大人物: 蘇淮、陳芃諭- 「島人」創辦人\ \ 海龜也有身分證?!\ 不會游泳的旱鴨子又是如何成為海中蛟龍?!\ 快點跟著「島人」一起親近大海吧!\ \ ? 加入大人

物會談:http://17.media/share/live/273588\ ? 下載 17 來解密:http://bit.ly/2u4b8Rj\ #17直播\ #大人物來踢館\ #歐馬克\ #島人\

\ https://www.fac...

\ https://www.facebook.com/DCCordova/posts/10154492170677330\ \ Check out the beautiful Chinese Money & You® Song that has been created for the upcomin

g reunion that will be held in Taipei, Taiwan on Saturday July 22nd - Join us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be_3KOMhHio\ \ The singers are the Chinese Money & You Instructors, including Willson Lin 林偉賢 and Robert Kuo, our partners from http://www.Doers.cn - Jason Zeck Lee - THANK YOU!\ \ Title: From Now On \ Lyrics: 郭騰尹\ Music: 江亦帆\ \ So many words to say, yet I don’t know where to start\ So many things I want to do, but people keep discouraging me, telling me to give up\ ‘Till I came here, the dark cloud in my heart dispersed\ Your stories are imprinted in my heart\ And I have realized what I have neglected in life\ \ From now on, I have decided to evolve...\ No longer running away... due to the awakening of Love and Responsibilities\ From now on, together my dream and I\ No more hesitation to leave behind great memories of life\ \ So many words to say, yet I don’t know where to start\ So many things I want to do but, people keep discouraging me, telling me to give up\ ‘Till I came here, the dark cloud in my heart dispersed\ Your stories are imprinted in my heart\ And I realized, what I have neglected in life\ \ From now on, I have decided to evolve...\ No longer running away... due to the awakening of Love and Responsibilities\ From now on, together my dream and I \ No more hesitation to leave behind great memories of life\ \ Life is like a play and this is a something to be cautious of\ There are rainy days in life but if you have the courage, there will be miracles\ From now on I have decided to embrace the truth\ No longer skeptical, but immersing into the embrace of the Ocean\ From now on, I have decided I will frequently return\ As my sisters and brothers are here\ You and I are here.\ \ Team, don't you just love it! Thank YOU for all you do / your love & support! Bobbi DePorter Wendy Tan Terence Tan Jacy Wee Michelle Yong Crystal Lim Ya Hui John Butler Cindy Lee Ryll Burgin-Doyle Craig Doyle Nicola Smith-Jackson Robert Jackson Kerry Zurier Dominique Lyone Andrew Barron Adelene Bek Douglas Stevenson Ng Genly Liang Sean Ricardo YiMing Prem Kaur Kitti Chang Alvin Wee Johnny Moreno Randolph Craft Cherie Clark Serge Gravelle Dwain Jeworski Tameka Vazquez Sabariah Jusoh Murshidah Said Kham Rich Piseth Ken Rich Malay Aristor Supardy Nazril Nash Idrus Yew Keat Lim Marzuki Mohammed Wan Adli Wan Hassan Rizal Shah Syireen Rose Hanif AzmiJean DeTraversay Reggie Hailey Eric J Mowrey Carol Dysart Vijaya Saraswathy Jane Jordan Stan Jordan Liana Di Stefano James Caldwell Diane McCann Jacqueline Seow Tamami Ushiki Jason WL Tan\ \ There are many more of you but FB has a limit of 50 links! You know who you are :-) \ \ #moneyandyou #excellerated #dccordova #wealth #accesstocash #globalbusinessschoolretreat #doers\

\ 這次會到冰島,全是因為意外看到...

\ 這次會到冰島,全是因為意外看到巴黎到冰島的特價機票,轉機自己銜接前後段、再加上所有的接駁,整個從台灣出發來回,總共花不到13000元,坐到屁股痛也很甘願啦!\ 來到冰島,夏天,10度!日落時間,只有短短幾個小時,外頭一直都是豔陽天,也是個很奇特的景象!另外,夏天也是有極光的,只是因為光線太強,所

以看不見而已了!\ \ 走在這個票選為2017年最安全的國家,真心有一種想法,夏天,就來這裡吧!煩惱太多的人,就來這裡吧!這裡的暖陽很舒服、這裡的景象很坦然、很簡單,這裡的人也很親切,除了東西貴了一點之外~\ \ p.s飯店是用哩程換來的\ \ #亞洲萬里通 #用哩程看見美好生活 #奶茶團長任意門旅行中\

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天氣好熱好熱的粽子節 幫歐拉媽一起包粽子兼趕片片 希望大家有個愉快的一天呀呼~ #粽子節 #端午 #

端午节 #端午連假 #端午連假最後一天 #拍片 #youtube #aura #auratv #我怎麼連話都說不清楚 #智商 #大腦是很好的東西如果人人都有我不就永遠魯蛇科科

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離開麻姐工作後... 這四個月來沒有一天是鬆散,第一、二個月準備研究所備審及考試,第三個月考汽車駕照,

第四個月考潛水執照,在這中間接了家教、診所打工客製甜點等(累他媽)。 現在準備要回去麻醉科當麻姐了,雖然多少懼怕(抖),卻也覺得新的事物要填滿我的新生活,這是長輩們期待的結果(卻也是我的罩門.....) 我不追求能順利工作,只希望遇到困難能迎刃而解...!我會加油的! #padi #freediving #openwater #advance #kenting

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#蓁の宜蘭食 . 宜蘭市女中路二段385號 #番茄燉牛肋 -280$ #徳式香腸 -280$ #韓式

泡菜燒肉 -260$ #香料豬里肌 -250$ #冰紫薯鮮奶 - 130$ 美味程度: 環境衛生: 桌邊服務: 再訪意願: 店面裝潢: 補充 ☎️:03 935 3836 營業時間:10:00 - 18:00 (週三公休) WIFI/插頭: ️ / ️ 一個餐點可以抵50$飲料錢唷! 每個人第一眼看見餐點都覺得一定吃不飽,殊不知最後都撐著肚子回家。 個人比較喜歡坐在二樓,因為空間非常舒服,找個角落坐著聊天做事就是一個下午。 #lyuzrelax #高#cp #cp值 #宜蘭 #宜蘭美食 #宜蘭一日遊#下午茶#女中路#吃貨 #燒肉#綻露#綻 #紫薯 #二樓#Dew #36#咖啡 #coffee #elite #delicious #food #抵

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Joined a BBQ party at the Enge sailing club next to

Saffa island. 跟著先生參加蘇黎世湖畔帆船俱樂部的烤肉趴。 ⛵️#picnic #春 #spring #烤肉 #switzerland #switzerland #switzerlandpictures #zurich #zurichsee #zürich #zürichsee #zurigo #suisse #suisse #suisselife #beautifulswitzerland #瑞士 #蘇黎世 #蘇黎世湖 #wollishofen #segelclub #segelboote #sailing #sailing⛵️ #sailingboat #saffainsel #svizzera #島 #lakezurich

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每天看 #淑麗 報氣象的靈感 . . #淑麗氣象趴趴Go #鳥 #台灣野鳥 #bird #wildbi

rds #東北角 #鳳頭燕鷗 #小白鷺 #台灣藍鵲 #大冠鷲 #illustration #BelleShiehillustration #飛羽 #王淑麗 #Belle藍色 #Belle粉紅色
