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When west meets east - We visited the Summer Palace
(頤和園)and found these beauties inside of the Wenchang Gallery (文昌院). They were manufactured in the USA and Germany and was the first modern western instruments that came to China during the the Qing Dynasty! Some French diplomat’s daughter used to play it in the court to entertain the Empress Dowager Cixi (慈禧太后) . #頤和園 #中國 #旅行 #歷史 #travelculture #travelchina #chinatravel #travelasia #visitbeijing #beijing #piano #pianohistory #travelblogger #musicblogger #musicalinstrument #颐和园 #清朝 #慈禧太后 #中国 #北京 #历史 #歷史 #樂器 #乐器
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