
【 Corporate Ventu...

【 Corporate Venturing | #從賣方到買方 】\ \ An evening with game changers from 13 leading companies, 50% from traditional industries and 50% from ICT! We dive

d deep into corporate startup engagements & strategic investments! Such a treat. A few things we learned:\ .\ ▧ Successful CVCs take time. Those that seem to know what they are doing might have already devoted 10+ years for trials and errors. #成功的企業創投多半經歷長期的摸索與試錯\ .\ ▧ Don't easily think something has nothing to do with your business. Chances are, you might miss out the opportunity of the century. #不要輕易以為一件事跟你沒有關係\ .\ ▧ M&A is a fast track for industry leading position and global visibility, if you do it right. #資本市場的參與能讓台灣更被看見\ .\ We can't wait to further bring these innovation catalysts together next month at our year end mashup. Stay tuned!\ .\ And again, a special shoutout to our awesome partner DIGITIMES (#電子時報) for supporting this series. Onwards & upwards!\ .\ ? Bring the World to Taiwan\ ? Tech x Culture x Venture\ .\ #anchortaiwan #digitimes #corporateventuring #cvc #corporateinnovation #企業創投 #企業投資 #國際鏈結

\ 【台灣人工智慧學校 培育第二期...

\ 【台灣人工智慧學校 培育第二期人工智慧種子】\ \ 近年來人工智慧 (AI) 在台灣形成一股不可擋的風潮,台灣人工智慧學校,期許台灣人工智慧學校的學員學成後,能夠以人工智慧加上原本的領域知識,不論投身產官學研界,皆能將擔任台灣各領域推動及發展人工智慧的種子,帶動產業升級。\  \ 感謝 #d

igitimes 報導 (✪‿✪)ノ https://goo.gl/yTJtSp\  \ ----------第二期報名即將截止----------\ \ 第二期招生截止:3月27日(二)\ 第二期上課時間:5月12日至9月1日\ 第二期報名網址:https://goo.gl/SjzY2B\

\ 【數字會說話!台灣醫療一級棒】...

\ 【數字會說話!台灣醫療一級棒】\ \ 台灣醫療品質舉世稱讚,也是智慧醫療最好的檢視指標,\ 然而好還要更好,讓我們帶著傲而不驕的精神及態度,繼續努力開拓美好的未來! \ \ #Nutanix #nutanixTW #digitimes #medical #proud #Taiwan\

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腺素每次都激升好煩哈哈 #海峽兩岸電子信息產業合作台北交流會 #international#conference#forum#emcee#mc#host#ootd#dress#taipei#xiamen#digitimes#electronic#iot#ic#devices#technology#marriott#hotel

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感謝厲害的攝影大哥 快趴到地上幫我拍 #海峽兩岸電子信息產業合作台北交流會 #internationa
