

\ 初二回娘家,孩子們請94歲的阿...

\ 初二回娘家,孩子們請94歲的阿祖祝福禱告,阿祖是第三代的基督徒為著第六代的孩子們禱告,這就是天國的動能及家族的屬靈產業何其美好!\ In the Chinese tradition, The family will go back to wife's house to celebrate the

Chinese New Year in the second day of the new year! Great grandma is the third generation Christian and she prayed for our kids which are the 6th generation Christians! That's kingdom momentum and beautiful and rich legacy right here! #prayers #momentum #legacy #\

\ 金控創舉 中信金獨董將過半\ ...

\ 金控創舉 中信金獨董將過半\ #中信金控 #股東臨時會 #獨董過半\


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\ 【#台股收盤】\ 台股連假後...

\ 【#台股收盤】\ 台股連假後開市加倍奉還!iPhone7大賣,蘋概股吹起反攻號角,帶動台股報復性上揚,終場大漲250點以9152點作收,成交量969億。\ \ Yahoo股市APP點我下載\ Android>> http://bit.ly/androidstockapp\ iOS版本>>


\ 【#台股收盤】\ 攸關Fed...

\ 【#台股收盤】\ 攸關Fed升息決議的美國非農就業數據將於週五出爐,台股受國際觀望氣氛影響,個股漲跌互見,大盤終場下跌41點以9068點作收,成交量855億。\ \ Yahoo股市APP點我下載\ Android>> https://goo.gl/rJaQgq\ iOS版本>> https


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懶人事項✔️✔️✔️+1 花錢的事跟著白就對了 舒適~~ @iammiaaa - #love#happ


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是不是超可愛~ 上禮拜看到時,猶豫了一下想說明天在來買,結果隔一天去發現架子上空了,老闆娘說昨天我看完

後就被買走了 #愛要即時 #馴龍高手-沒牙

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