

[ALS] Ice Bucket Challenge Char 漸凍人 冰桶挑戰曉玲

First, I'd like to state that I'm against 1. the challenge to donate structure, 2. the waste of water, and 3. ALS Association doing animal testing.\ Raising awareness through creativity and fun is good, but it's becoming more of a contest and joke at times. It's a horrible disease and shouldn't

be portrayed as anything like fun. My own father is a cancer survivor, if I were to see the disease in the social media this way, I would be f*ing pissed. Do the ends justify the means? How many celebs recorded the video and donated without putting much thought? How many of you have been watching those viral videos, had a good laugh, but not donating to any charity?\ Therefore, I wouldn't be recording this video if I was not challenged by a fellow streamer friend. Hopefully you may get to understand ALS as a disease, like any other fundraising campaigns in need of public attention. I won't be naming anyone in particular, as I believe donations should NOT be a challenge or a hype. It's a selfless habit and one should take his own time to consider the causes that he cares most about. \ \ Here are more information on different causes that you could help out:\ \ ALS Association: http://alsa.pub30.convio.net/ \ Animal Rescue Team Taiwan: http://www.savedogs.org/english/ \ World Vision for children: http://www.worldvision.org/ \ Charity: Water: http://www.charitywater.org/ \ \ Sorry, I'm so serious.\ May we all have a little more love for each other in this big big world.\ \ \ 我中文可能表達不當,請包涵。首先,我是反對1.捐助是挑戰的形式、2.浪費水、3.漸凍人研究採動物實驗。這樣的創意與好玩引起社會大眾注意確實是達到了,可是它很多時候變得扭曲像競賽像玩笑。這個病症是殘酷的,一點都不該是這樣的媒體形象。試問有多少公眾人物錄了影片、捐了也沒認識它太多?有多少觀眾看了很多冰桶挑戰影片,笑了,卻沒有捐助任何慈善團體?為了達到目的,就可以不擇手段嗎?所以如果不是被友善的實況主點名,我不會錄這個影片。或許我的觀眾因此而認識這個病症,開始了解其他需要被關注的募款。我不會點名任何人,因為捐助該是自發的習慣,無須挑戰或流行。每一個人都有能力去捐助這個世界,多一點愛與關懷,花一點時間選擇你想要支持的目標。抱歉我太嚴肅~\ \ ____________________________________\ #himechar #video #icebucketchallenge #IBC #ALS #water #donation #charity #animaltesting #animalrescue \ \ \ If you enjoyed the video LIKE and Subscribe! 喜歡影片請按讚及訂閱\ -- Watch live at http://twitch.tv/himechar 實況 \ -- Like http://facebook.com/himechar 粉專 \ -- Follow http://twitter.com/himechar 推特 \ -- Photos http://instagram.com/himechar 照片

#愛爾麗集團 #防疫公益 #演唱會...

#愛爾麗集團 #防疫公益 #演唱會 #台南文化中心 開場前的 #星光大道 和 #後台花絮 #黃品源 & #金立海樂團 \ \ #huangpinyuan #geniehigh #rockband #singersongwriter #singer #guitarist #donation #conc


今晚防疫公益演唱會,即將登場\ 在...

今晚防疫公益演唱會,即將登場\ 在後台與兩位主持人#謝祖武 #唐從聖 合影。#台南文化中心 我們台上見囉!\ \ #愛爾麗集團 #防疫公益 #演唱會 #黃品源 #huangpinyuan #金立海樂團 #geniehigh #donation #concert #singersongwriter #s



舞蹈本身很單純,複雜的都是人的心思!這堂公益性質的舞蹈課我真的分享的很開心。謝謝你們抽空前來,讓我有機會分享??\ ⋯\ @joy.0119 @davistu_twn @lawrencechi 這段時間辛苦了❤️\ ⋯\ 影片無法完整分享,只能擷取一點點及後面大家即興的同樂。????????????\

#afrodance #afrofusion #samusic #housemusic #dance #donation #sharethevibe #embracetheculture @aafreeka #自由非行 #taiwan #台灣 #nyssathekueenz #joy

防疫公益演唱會 9/5 台南文化中...

防疫公益演唱會 9/5 台南文化中心,門票全數捐出、請多多支持呦!購票請至⤵️:\ https://tixcraft.com/activity/detail/20_arlie\ \ #黃品源 #金立海樂團 #huangpinyuan #geniehigh #singersongwriter #sing

er #concert #donation

?Taiwan adds dona...

?Taiwan adds donation feature to online mask-ordering platform\ 「護台灣助世界」!簡單4步驟就能用APP捐贈口罩\ \ The Central Epidemic Command Center is encouraging people t

o donate their mask rations to countries in need. People who want to donate their ration of nine masks every 14 days can now register their wish on the National Health Insurance mobile app. This scheme was announced alongside a donation of tulips that arrived from the Netherlands. The flowers were a gift marking Holland's National Day and thanking Taiwan for a recent mask donation.\ 台灣口罩供應量漸漸穩定,衛福部也推出「護台灣助世界」的人道援助活動,民眾只要下載健保行動快易通APP,就能將自己過去沒領過的口罩額度,捐給其他需要的地方。而因為台灣捐贈口罩,荷蘭官方特別送來3999朵鬱金香,表達感謝,也選在荷蘭國慶日當天空運直送台灣,表達未來長長久久的合作。\ \ #民視英語新聞 #CDC #pandemic #COVID19 #mask #donation #app #Nethelands

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Pay it forward #payitforward #donate #donation #foo

ddonation #illustrations #illart #illustrationart #illustrate #illustrationwork #supermarket #donationbox

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- 【左滑崩壞版】 只有一句話 我的朋友們訂購會是特別手工版,整本只有六月,2021一月是六月,20

21十二月當然依然是六月,訂就對了. #crewlife #crewlifestyle #cabincrew #crewlove #calendar #charity #donation #photooftheday #folkways #traditionalart #traditional #traditional_look

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分享 ⋯ @joy.0119 @davistu_twn @lawrencechi 這段時間辛苦了❤️ ⋯ 影片無法完整分享,只能擷取一點點及後面大家即興的同樂。 #afrodance #afrofusion #samusic #housemusic #dance #donation #sharethevibe #embracetheculture @aafreeka #自由非行 #taiwan #台灣 #nyssathekueenz #joy

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新周邊上架囉!由於蝦皮改制度,之前的抖內專區撤掉了火速為大家上架獨家最新款周邊 每個月推出10款不同的

電子簽名感恩禮卡,依照抖內單位隨機寄送,月底還會製作感恩榜單,一起為Lily的音樂夢想加加油 距離7月底還有一週,趕快donate起來!全部包款囉!蝦皮長笛姐姐(或至連結https://shopee.tw/product/162205659/6643310261smtt=0.0.9 - #長笛姐姐 #lilyflute #長笛 #flute #플루트 #长笛 #フルート #fløyte #fluit #flöte #fuvola #flauta #поперечнаяфлейта #flöjt #fløjte #flüt #poikkihuilu #商演 #尾牙 #演出找Lily #活動演出 #長笛姐姐演出去 #周邊 #抖內 #donate #贊助 #donation

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瑞士,目前已達35萬瓶!❤️❤️❤️ #nhs #bulgari #covid19 #medical #uk #Switzerland #italy #sanitisinggels #donation