【問題】tput: no value for $term and no -t specified ?推薦回答 關於「tput: no value for $term and no -t specified」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論: 常見tput: no value for $term and no -t specified問答Bash echo boldPHP boldTerminal underlinePython print boldTput cuu1Echo colorTput color tableTput colorClear command in UnixExit command in Unixtput: no value for $term and no -t specifiedTput clearTput blinkTput setafTput rmsoTput sgr0 延伸文章資訊tput Command | Tput boldDetailed explanation of linux tput command | Tput boldSHELL腳本中tput 的使用技巧(tput 控制光標位置) | Tput boldHack 40. Change the prompt color using tput | Tput bold6.5. Colours and Cursor Movement With tput | Tput boldlinux + how to use the tput bold in echo command | Tput bold自訂Linux 的Bash Shell 命令提示字串Prompt(二):進階格式 | Tput boldLinux Command Line Adventure: tput | Tput boldMake bash script print set -x output in BOLD but output as ... | Tput boldHow does one output bold text in Bash? | Tput bold