Day22 - 鏡像練習法\ #B...
Day22 - 鏡像練習法\ #Berbiguier No. 1 - 正在用鏡像法練習樂句間的聯繫,強迫腦袋思考音樂的方向。把所有的東西都倒過來做、倒過來思考,反的會了,那麼正的也就會了。\ .\ 做為單音樂器,練長笛這件事情如果只有自己練真的是太無聊了,所以經常想方設法的一直到處找尋原力,搞怪、玩樂
、正經,樣樣都來的原因只是希望有一天可以樂活,有效率、又開心且自然地能夠將音樂信手拈來、與人合作玩音樂,就是我人生中最感到幸福的事了!\ .\ 願原力與你同在!\ .\ Berbiguier No.1 - practicing the connection of phrases with the miroir method, forcing my brain to think concentratedly and very closely to its phrasing. Playing everything backward from the end to the top. If we can do everything reversely, then play normally would be very easy.\ .\ As a mono instrument, we don't have much harmony to play with, it's kind of boring something. So I always trying to find something new to play, trying to find the Force. \ .\ The reason I play or practice almost everything with flute, is to hope one day, I could play the music naturally, happily and could work efficiently with everyone. And these, are my force of happiness!\ .\ May the force be with you\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin