

Day 58 - 以小聲的方式慢練...

Day 58 - 以小聲的方式慢練\ .\ Playing slowly in p\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinfl

ute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing\ #scales #kaohsiung #wind #orchestra \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day 57 - 閒談\ 無意中拍...

Day 57 - 閒談\ 無意中拍到這個角度,還蠻有意思的。記得五年前有在網路上看過西藏色拉寺辯經傳統的影片,是喇嘛們學習經典的方法,是一場激昂、生動、很有意思的學習過程,大概就像碩博士論文答辯一樣的概念,不過論者與辯者都非常激昂就是了!第一次在現場欣賞辯經,而且居然還是用流利的藏文辯論,真是太精采了

!\ .\ Just randomly took this view, it’s very interesting. I remember that I have seen the debate of Buddhist scriptures - the traditional exam system of the Tibetan Buddhist temple - about five years ago from the net. It’s a very passionate, vivid and interested learning process! \ .\ It’s my first time to see the debate in live, and they are debating in tibetan, it’s just too brilliant!\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing\ #scales #kaohsiung #wind #orchestra \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day30 - 練氣\ 今天的百日...

Day30 - 練氣\ 今天的百日練習進入第30天,完成1/3的里程碑了!!!今天剛入手一個新的超實用練氣小物,台灣製造!\ .\ 這一台小玩意正向可訓練吸氣肌,反向則可訓練吐氣肌。由於最近體虛常常覺得氣無法積累成功,所以我主要只訓練吸氣肌的部分,吸氣總共有10個刻度區分不同的強度,0最輕鬆、10強度

最大;吐氣的地方則有4個刻度來調整氣流速度,大幅增強呼吸肌的強韌度,強化基礎值。\ .\ 自我訓練一個月之後,再來跟大家分享、追蹤使用狀況和心得!\ .\ Day 30, it’s my first month for 100 days of practice project!!!!!\ .\ I Just get a new interesting stuff which designs to training the respiratory performance and made in Taiwan!\ .\ This little machine could train the inspiratory muscle from the front side, and the back side for expiratory muscle. Due to my health condition lately, I feel kind of weak for the most of time. So my plan is to train my inspiratory part.\ .\ The respiratory side has 10 adjustable levels and the expiratory side contains 4 flow rates. This could significantly improve our respiratory muscle tenacity, strengthen the basic value of breathing.\ .\ I will share my reviews with you guys after one month of self-training!\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day29 - 冥想\ 今天會是特...

Day29 - 冥想\ 今天會是特別,但也最重要的練習。\ .\ 在一連串忙碌、時間塞滿滿、不斷通車後的某一天,也是會有這種累到不想動、只想「空」的狀態。那麼有時我會打坐冥想放空、清理內在的情緒、恢復精力,在冥想的過程中,常常會有一些意想不到的事情發生,只需靜靜的相信它、跟隨著那種感覺。思考人生的方向

、重整對未來的計畫、找出未知答案的解答⋯\ .\ Today, would be a special and relaxing, but very important practice.\ .\ After a serial of concerts, give lessons, rehearsals, and uncounting transport time. \ It happens that we are just too exhausted and have no intention to move. Then, I will do some meditation. \ .\ Get a moment of completely silence to recover the energy, clean my inner depressions.\ .\ During the process, sometimes unexpected things happen, just trust it and follow it. Thinking about my life, reorganizing my futur plans, finding out the answer of unknown questions...\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day28 - Warm-up\ ...

Day28 - Warm-up\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #cir

cularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

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靜靜聽 。 #chopin #etude #emajor #no3 #昕享

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都說好的開始是成功的一半、 但是後面好難啊 練完大概差不多是唐三藏取完經一樣久惹⋯ #piano #

practice #chopin #etude #蕭邦 #離別曲 #有黑麥的豬叫聲耶

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2017.05.06⭐️ Base and foundation ▫️ #etude house p

rimer ▫️ #maybelline BB cushion ▫️ #becca moonstone ▫️ #thebalm bahama mama Eyes makeup ▫️ #nyxcosmetic eyeshadows pallete (12色眼影) ▫️#toofaced chocolatebar ▫️ #kissme eyeliner ▫️ #zacosmetics long and curl mascara Lips ▫️ #bbia 紅管 13 - 今天天氣很好 好久沒有出去約會了 用新玩具畫了一個男友不懂,但妳們懂的妝❤️☺️ #herasecret #makeup #motd #l4l #igbeauty #makeupblogger #beautyblogger #nyxcosmetics #nyxprofessionalmakeup #nyxcosmeticstw

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今日代課 Clio - Freestyle 感謝 @vanillaclio 姐給我這個機會代這堂課 想

說來點不一樣的House+Hiphop 不然每一次都嘻哈歌也是很膩 所以帶來我的愛歌FreeTempo -Etude 希望大家會喜歡 #freetempo #etude #house #hiphop #DuragKaku #merrymonarc #代課代課

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#INSTA_LAUREN #laurensmakeupbox (可以放大看細節)我理想中的楓紅妝大概

是這樣,如果想畫的人可以用EH的101暈染筆挑個三色❤️ 就可以畫眼妝+唇妝+腮紅~~~超好暈! 咬唇拿04打底裡面畫25就是我心中最想要的楓紅感 #etudehouse #play101stick #play101pencil #etude #somi #ioi
