Day 75 - 在正式跟樂團彩排...
Day 75 - 在正式跟樂團彩排前為了習慣跟樂團一起演的感覺,播放著影片一起吹!由於聖桑的狂想曲是由小提琴改編給長笛的版本,所以我盡可能的想重現弦樂的特性:長樂句、弓速輕重、緩急不同帶來的樂感等等。\ .\ 無論在音量上、速度上和敏捷度上比起弦樂,管樂的限制又更多,除了得顧慮到氣量、舌速、音域等問題
,而且弦樂的特性是低音可以很大聲、高音可以很細膩,然而管樂低音要厚很費力、高音要輕更不容易,剛好個性顛倒。因此如何在長笛上更好的呈現弦樂的效果,就得費心好好思考了!\ .\ Before the formal rehearsal with orchestra, I am trying to play the music with video! The capriccioso is original written for violin, so I try my best to reproduce the string's characteristic: long phrase, the speed and weight of bow which bring us a different feelings of musical grooving, etc.\ .\ The wind's instruments have more limit on volume, speed and agility rather than the string's instruments. We have air problems, the speed of tongue and the problem of sound's range.\ .\ The characteristic of strings is that we have bigger sound on the lower register and tiny and fine sound on the higher register. But the wind instruments have an exactly opposed characteristic!\ .\ So how to reproduce the string's characteristic on the flute, that is what I have to think about!\ @myrllinflute\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing #flutebeatboxing #flutebeatbox\ #scales #kaohsiung #wind #orchestra \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin