標籤:medi cal的貼文第4頁

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Dear Startup peop...

Dear Startup people!\ \ Here comes our latest corporate guests- KenKone, ULTRON-a New Garden Group Company, and PetTalk:說寵物 for the event! \ \ Register

now for free & Learn more about them! :\ \ Live Streaming: https://tinyurl.com/yy3dox25\ Join us Onsite: https://tinyurl.com/yy2xooaj\ \ We also like to welcome #startups, corporate professionals, investors, etc. to webinars and explore the topics with us!\ \ #taiwan #hungary #transformation #digital #webinar #onlineevent #onsite #Innovation #InnoVEX #pet #TechNews #medical #WIFI #cloud #DataScience #house #technology

We Will Win☝?\ I ...

We Will Win☝?\ I wanted the title of this song to represent the light in the midst of all this darkness. Yes, covid numbers may be still at its peak, b

ut we will win as long as we don’t like lose our hope and our community. When this is all over, will look back and think about how we all survived the worst and be thankful of what efforts we’ve made to win over the tests we have been confronted with. \ Feel free to listen to my song, and maybe even sing along. Link is in my Instagram bio. Stay safe! \ ⁣\ #song #covid_19 #awareness #peace #safe #prayer #doingwhatwecan #frontlineworkers #doctor #nurse #medical #medicalstudent #hospital #mask #epidemic #global #battle #healthylifestyle #health #prevention #protection #hope #win

We just hit 20,00...

We just hit 20,000 viewers on “We Will Win”!! And with your help, we could potentially reach more medical workers through your shares. Thank you to eve

ryone who has watched, listened, and supported my new release. To be able to write and produce a song that brings hope and joy to many during these dark times is something I really needed to do but didn’t know where to start going in. I wanted this song to be a tribute to all the healthcare and frontline workers who work day in and day out tirelessly for our community. If we all work together and do our part to keep safe, then we can all get out of this pandemic together quicker. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ If you haven’t checked out my new song “We Will Win” click the link in my bio to see all the platforms you can listen to it on??⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ Be well and stay safe!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ #song #covid_19 #awareness #peace #safe #prayer #doingwhatwecan #frontlineworkers #doctor #nurse #medical #medicalstudent #hospital #mask #epidemic #global #battle #healthylifestyle #health #prevention #protection #hope #win #battle

?Can't believe we...

?Can't believe we're less than one week to go until my first single goes live! ?⁣\ ⁣\ I truly believe that in business and in life, we all have a role

to play to help others. For me as a singer/actor, that means supporting our community and the greater good by doing one of my passions: creating music!?✨⁣\ ⁣\ I am really grateful to be able to give hope to people, at least with a song. So thank all of you who have been helping me to get everything in place for next Saturday!?⁣\ ⁣\ ✔️Pre-save it with the link in my Bio⁣\ ⁣\ #AsianCreativeNetwork #AsianHustleNetwork⁣\ #doctor #medicine #health #medical #nurse #love #wellness #instagood #healthy #healthcare #medstudent #losangeles #medschool #doctors #hospital #medicalschool #florida⁣\ #doctorslife #doctorsoffice #doctorsofinstagram #doctorswithoutborders #doctorslifestyle #doctorsonline #doctorsadvice #doctorset #doctorsofinstagtam #nurses #nursesofinstagram

【 Wonder what's i...

【 Wonder what's inside your head? | #醫生小幫手 #InsideOut 】 \ \ Huge congrats to #Deep01 for raising $2.7 million for its AI-based medical imaging software

! ?This round is led by #Taiwanese PC maker ASUS, followed by #DigitalEconomyFund and #BECapital.?\ .\ According to the company, Deep01 is the first AI company in Asia to obtain US and Taiwan FDA clearances. The software can detect acute intracerebral hemorrhage with an accuracy rate of 93% to 95% within 30 seconds! ?\ .\ It is incredible to see how AI is going to help save human lives! ?\ \ .⁠\ ? Taiwan Innovation Sprint⁠\ ? Hardware | Supply Chain | Sustainability\ \ #AI #medical #healthcare

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今日我是小雛菊 #abg #abgcoffee #tmu #taipei #medical #uni

versity #afternoontea

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. 今天是連續30日本土零例; 同時也是國際醫護(師)節 謝謝醫護人員為我們勞心勞力,你們辛苦了 #

medical #zero #依家人#李采依

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我們在放連假的同時,防疫隊還在繼續努力著 thanks for those MVPs in the w

orld! 謝謝/你們/辛苦了‍♀️ (連假輕鬆不放鬆,感謝醫護人員) #thankyouteamtaiwan #mvps #medical 還有,龍將真的太狂啦 #例行賽の八連勝 #五月狂龍 #五月首勝 #Origin #味全龍 #gobeauties小龍女 #cpbl #中華職棒 #依家人 #李采依

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瑞士,目前已達35萬瓶!❤️❤️❤️ #nhs #bulgari #covid19 #medical #uk #Switzerland #italy #sanitisinggels #donation

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#關於我戴口罩也能維持仙氣的秘訣 #不修圖不化妝也能閃耀全場 - ❤️非常感謝我最信任的雅丰診所的邀約

, 我人生中第一次做皮秒雷射,就做了皮秒屆中的愛馬仕 Picoway全像超皮秒雷射! - 認識我的朋友一定會說我皮膚已經夠好了幹嘛還要做什麼皮秒,但好還要更好,能把好的Keep住才是永遠18歲的秘訣啦!✌ - Picoway全像超皮秒雷射,能更有效的去除色素斑點縮小毛孔撫平皺紋不易反黑All in one,而且治療的速度快,疼痛度也低,當然操作的醫師也是很重要,雅丰何于甄醫師親自幫我施打,專業度非常讓我放心,不但過程近乎無痛,最主要的是幾乎沒有恢復期! - 我一打完就跟媽媽朋友們一起去接孩子放學,皮膚狀況依舊穩定,完全沒有人發現我剛做完皮秒啊! - 但因為第一次做,我還是想看看後續的變化,所以我用iphone內建相機真實的紀錄了Day1-3,今天是第四天,我只能說真的是跟皮秒相見恨晚,怎麼現在才發現皮秒的好啊!❤️ - 真的就連帶著口罩都擋不住我的皮膚在發光!我決定將Picoway全像超皮秒雷射列入我的人生項目清單中,作為維持仙氣飄飄的秘訣啦! - #picoway #皮秒雷射 #全像超皮秒 #momlife #雅丰診所 #何于甄醫師 #medical #aphrodite #醫美 #nomakeup #beautiful #youthforever