Tsai calls for re...
Tsai calls for rethink of medical device price caps after physician backlash \ 8大類352項醫材訂出民眾負擔上限 引發醫界反彈\ \ President Tsai has announced a rethink of a
new policy on medical device prices. The policy announced earlier this week would see price caps put on eight types of medical devices to keep hospitals from overcharging patients. But doctors have said the caps would make it impossible for cutting-edge medical technologies to get a foot in the door in Taiwan. Following the controversy, Tsai said on Friday that the policy would be improved before it's implemented.\ \ 針對「健保部分給付、民眾部分負擔」的醫材,健保署列出8大類352項,訂出民眾負擔上限值,結果引發醫療人員反彈,擔憂這樣的制度,不利最新醫材、最新技術的引進。總統蔡英文也相當關心,發文說,請行政院長蘇貞昌特別注意這件事,再和衛福部長陳時中討論,實施前,要把方案調整到最好。\ \ #民視英語新聞 #FormosaTVEnglishNews #Taiwan #medical #device #prices #controversy #TsaiIngWen